So last time, we finished off with roller curls. We let our curlers dry over night like they did the old fashioned way, and then at the second half of Saturday, we removed them.
It kind of looked like Annie.
Or maybe some sort of Shirley Temple thing.
Without adding any other products to the hair, we combed it (not brushed, mind you) and teased the doll heads to see how well our curls turned out.
Not too sure if I'm liking that one.
I got sick of it after a few minutes and decided to tease it a little more, because in that first photo, the hair didn't seem to have too much volume to it. And then THIS monster came of it after using a paddle brush.
Do not come to me if you want regular curls.
You're leaving with 60s looking hair.
Big, sexy 60s hair.
All in all, I really enjoyed that style much better. It was very fun to do! A few classmates also took a picture of it. It was kind of a fun shining moment
Time for lessons with our Marcel curling irons came, and it was quite...different. The Marcel looks like this:
It's...quite different. I know I repeated myself, but it takes some getting used to. The iron doesn't have any springs in the shell's handle, so we have to maneuver it by using our fingers, and with one hand. Why? If you look at the photo, the iron doesn't have a fancy plastic tip at the end! So we can't touch it, period. Onoes! But how do we use it with just one hand? How does that work?
Well guys, here's the cool part: The handle friggin' spins. LIFE SO MUCH EASIER NOW.
Practice with the iron was interesting and a good expirience that I'm excited to do with things like bridal hairstyles. We tested some of these curls on our doll heads, learning to part the hair properly, too.
And then my instructor suddenly decided to have a friendly competition with Core 21. (Core 22 is my class.) Time to introduce some barrel and spiral curls into an upstyle!
We had about 45 minutes to come up with something. I struggled with curling a little bit, so I only was able to get about half of the head done. When curling time was up, I tried hard to think of something new and exciting that I can make with half of a curled head.
But I'm not as new and exciting as I would love to be. But the idea did hit me.
Yes, yes, I know. HOW CREATIVE. But you know, it was a fun experience. Who knows, maybe I'll have to make a Belle hairstyle at the Boutique when I get there. I doubt it, but maybe it'll help out. In the end, I did a Belle upstyle without any references, so I got where the bun settles at wrong. But all in all, I think it turned out pretty great!
Front View
Back View
My hairstyle didn't even place in the contest. But you know, that's okay. I had fun!
We had our weekly student body powwow in the bigger classroom today for the first half of the day, (Not sure if you're interested, but the first half lasts from 9AM-12PM.) The Core classes had their first guest speakers! First it was a woman named Kristi who works as a sales rep for BSG, Beauty Supply Group. She told us about what she does for a living, which is going to certain salons and selling products for the salons to sell to customers. It was her first public appearance, and she did a lovely job informing us on what else we can do besides be regular hairstylists.
And then we had Doug. Doug's the son of the owner of our school, and not only that! Paul Mitchell RENO was actually this dude's idea. This is Doug. Google didn't have a more recent photo, but this is him.
And not only is he the son of the owner, is an owner and is a dude that does hair, he's Paul Mitchell's representative for the men's hair productline that just debuted, Mitch. He actually goes to the other PM schools nationwide to inform other students about this stuff!
Listening to Doug was a neat first guest artist. He informed us on what the products do, what they feel like, and he even let us mess around with it on some of his doll heads he had brought. He was a cool guy to listen to and was very entertaining in the comedy department. Pretty dang down-to-earth!
The second half of the day, we started Color Weeks. It's two weeks during our Core classes that do nothing but focus on hair dyes and how to mix them properly, learn their pH, the color theory, how to apply it, and how to market it like a pro. Most of today and tomorrow is/was going to be note taking, so I suppose I'll just make a post whenever I have something to blab about!
More on Color Weeks soon to come. <3