Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Finally There

So today was my first day at Paul Mitchell! I was so excited that I needed sleep aids last night so I could at least fall asleep.

Of course today's weather had to be absolutely ridiculous. Snow and a horrid windchill with a dash of fog. Nevada, make up your mind!

I got there 45 minutes before school even started and those 45 minutes went by painfully slow.

It was this empty for at least a good 30 of that 45.
Oh lookie here, what was on my chair?
And on my desk! BOOKSTUFF!

It was nice to meet some of my classmates one by one, though! I think I'm the youngest one in the room by around a good 2 to 4 years...

For the first hour, the entire student body was in the room. PM calls it a Powwow and it occurs every Tuesday morning to discuss how our past week went and what victories we achieved. It was incredibly inspiring to focus on the positives from everyday.

After that it was more of any other old first day of school: Sign here, you're agreeing to this, time for the Name Game, etc. Most of us just kept eyeing the cardboard boxes on one side of the room because we just wanted our kits already and wanted to explore! Our patience started to run thin during lunch; WE WANT THE KITS.

As the day went by, we went over cirriculum, again, like any other first day of school. But then we found out something cool: The hands on stuff starts right away! The first half of the day, we're in class for our core courses, and the rest of the day is a pattern of hands on with manniquin heads and some other splashes of core classes.

I expected to type out this huge story as to how my day went, but other than being a fun first day of a new adventure, it was very full of paper and cardboard, not much else. Maybe I'll type a little entry with every new lesson! Tomorrow's a first lesson on the basics: Shampoo.

I think this was a good choice of a school. Thank you so much, Regretsy, for bringing me here! It's a dream that's now reality. <3

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